Friday, October 24, 2008

Why Shop Online?

If you have never shopped online before, or if you have only dabbled, you're probably wondering what all the hype is about. You figure that except for those folks who live hundreds of miles from the nearest store, shopping online is a convenience, not a necessity. So how convenient could it be? What could be easier than hopping in your car and driving to the mall ... and fighting for a parking space, and walking from store to store and aisle to aisle looking for the items you want, and waiting in the check-out line, and carrying those bags out to the car through a drenching rain storm, and driving home through the traffic as the rain turns to ice beneath your wheels?
You have choices and will continue to have them. At least in your lifetime, Congress is not likely to outlaw physical stores.

In many instances, shopping over the Internet is a quick and easy alternative. Sometimes it enables you to do things that otherwise would be impossible for you, or can save you trouble and money -- lots of it. When that isn't the case, just shop the way you always have you should shop on the Internet when:

  • You know exactly what you want, and you want to get it over with -- with a minimum of hassle and time. You don't want to spend an hour or more driving to a physical store and going through the usual routine there; and, if the item is out of stock at the first store you go to, you don't want to have to trek to another and another, or wait weeks for delivery.

  • You know what kind of thing you want to buy, but not specifically which one -- which book or CD or video. Also, you don't want to waste your money buying something you won't like and waste your time figuring out that you made a mistake.

  • You know what you want to buy, but it's rare -- very few stores would ever carry such a thing.
    You need to buy something that is very expensive (a car or a house). You have to comparison shop because you aren't fabulously wealthy. But you'd like to do it as quickly and effectively as possible.

  • You're curious. You don't have time to indulge your curiosity in the physical world where it takes so long and costs so much to go from one place to another. On the Internet you can go from one side of the world to another with just a click of your mouse.

  • You want to buy something, but don't want to be seen buying it. Perhaps it's a gift that you want to keep secret before you give it, and being seen going into the store by family or friends would blow the surprise. Or perhaps it's something you'd be embarrassed to buy in person -- cosmetics you don't want people to know that you use, or sex-related products.

  • You are a bargain hunter by nature. You get a charge out of buying things at lower prices than your friends and neighbors. Saving money is nice, but not nearly as good as flexing your smart-buyer muscles.

  • You can't get to the store for any reason, such as illness or taking care of a sick kid or age or bad weather or lack of transportation or lack of time or alien abduction. (Reportedly, most UFOs have Internet connections).

There are discount clubs online that have 140 and more stores that give discounts from 1% to 70% direct from the Factory. One of those companies is Team National they charge a small fee to become a member that fee covers your WHOLE family all of your children & parents. Team National’s Goal is to have enough members to have every thing we buy factory direct. The more members we get the better deals we get. For More information call 208-405-1022.

Shipping cost is generally lower than what you'll spend for these things. Some even ship for free with a certain amount spent. Shipping time can also be a deterrent to online shopping. If you need an item immediately then you will have to pay a lot of money for overnight shipping.

Price is only one factor; but the more expensive something is, the better I research the relative prices. With Team National you can buy furniture factory direct for 30 cents on the Dollar. . We challenge you to compare prices of items sold in the Team Nationals Virtual Malls with the prices of the same items sold in local malls.

Have you checked out prices on, Or, perhaps, you are new to online selling, and want to learn how to do so. Another benefit of online shopping is that you can literally shop anywhere in the world. Internet merchants, cut out the middle person which in turns benefits YOU the consumer, with lower prices.